Two years ago, I created a stack of hand-painted, handwritten cards with “You Are…” messages on them and offered them to whoever needed one. It was around the time of Thanksgiving, so last year I decided it would become a tradition and made the same offering again. This year the creations are a wee bit different. I have a vintage time card holder that I use to hold little notes, photos, messages, and embellished time cards for house guests and visitors, and this is what my latest creations are inspired by. The cards were created with a bit of paint, some pencil illustrations, a dab of glitter and a single word taken from vintage books. I only have twenty this time, but they are ready to be scattered.

If you are in need of a tiny bit of inspiration as the holiday season swooshes in, send your address to I’ll add an update here when they’re all gone.

Update: The cards are all now ready to go to their new homes. Thank you to everyone who wrote!

“Wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving.”  ~Kahlil Gibran